1 in 3 students fail their GCSEs...


Our #1 Scientifically-Backed Process Ensures Your Child Isn’t One of Them.


For years, the only way to guarantee success in your GCSEs was by paying thousands to a tutor. 

Now, your child can get better results at a fraction of the cost… Guaranteed.  

I know the feeling all too well - the pit in your stomach when your child  shows up to their GCSEs and isn’t fully prepared. This silly standardised test dictates so much of our children’s future. What level they’re assigned, what universities they can attend, and ultimately what careers they’ll have access to all trace back to 11 tests that 1 in 3 fail. 

The problem is that these tests are meant to weed out students who aren’t academic. So as parents, we have been forced to pull every lever to try to help our child succeed. 

We pay for tutors, we help with studying, we buy test prep materials, and we hope that when test day comes… they have the confidence and skills they need to get at least a grade 4. 

But the harsh reality is that many  do not. Their studying is littered with hours staring at notes, frustration from lack of understanding, and ultimately an experience on test day that reaffirms to them the bullshit the school has been telling them for years - they’re just not academic like the other kids. 

With all of this said, I want to assure you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a path for your student to nail their GCSEs and set themselves up for the future they deserve. And the good news is that this path doesn’t require thousands of pounds  going into a tutor’s pocket, it doesn’t require endless hours of frustration, and for you (the parent) - it doesn’t require any of your time.

Hi, I’m Michelle Hughes

✏️ I've helped hundreds of Students get results on their exams.

For over 12 years, I was a university lecturer teaching consumer behaviour. I left academia because of how many students I saw leaving university with tons of debt.

Why? They didn’t have the "grades" they needed to succeed in the workplace. 

As a researcher, I felt compelled to uncover why even the most clever students  would leave university and not find the success that they were destined for. Like a true academic, I took a hard look at the problem and then worked backwards to identify the root cause. 

My findings were simple… so simple that when I told people, they didn’t bat an eyelash. 

They thought schools already had systems in place to address this issue, they thought parents were taking care of this in the home, they thought students were naturally developing this on their own - but they were wrong. 

So what’s the root cause of students not succeeding in school and life beyond?

They were never taught how to learn. 

Instead of teaching students to learn, the schools crowd their brain with information that they are forced to recall for a test, and then it disappears from their mind for all of eternity. And for those students who aren’t traditionally academic - they suffer even more. 

My daughter is one of those students. 

At a young age, she was diagnosed with ADHD and during a meeting with her teacher, my husband and I were told that she wasn’t going to get a good enough score on her  GCSEs. Before even taking the test - my daughter’s school already counted her out. 

My other daughter was in a similar situation. Going into year 7, she began getting pulled out of class for extra help, and then the warning signs from the school began to follow. 

As a parent, there was nothing more deflating than hearing my daughter ask me “why does my teacher not believe in me.”

It was at this moment that I knew I needed to take things into my own hands.

So I applied the same research practices from my years in academia and ultimately developed a 7-step framework that teaches students how to learn. I used the framework on my daughters and watched them flourish in the classroom. I watched their teachers review their papers with disbelief. 

After seeing the success my daughters were having, I began sharing this framework with other parents. As their kids began to succeed, I pushed further and put the framework to the test against science - and the evidence proved that this framework is for real

Today, after years of fine-tuning our approach, we’ve arrived at a finalised framework that teaches students how to learn. Now, it is my life’s work to share this framework with as many parents as possible to ensure that their children will have the success they truly deserve. 

So you may be wondering, how do GCSEs fit into this…

The GCSEs are the starting point - they have a stranglehold on your child’s future - and when you apply this framework to the GCSEs… you completely free your child from the stranglehold, guarantee they pass every test, and ultimately ensure their successful future.

Inside the Course

The 7 step process is broken down into four, easy-to-consume modules.
Here’s an overview of each of the 7 steps.

104 hours of video content. 20 downloadable tools. 1 Outcome…

Nailing your GCSEs. 

STEP 1 Set Goals

This step goes beyond traditional goal setting and dives deeper into what students can do to take personal responsibility for their outcomes rather than just doing what they’re told. In this section, we turn your student into a self-starter.

STEP 2 Build Priorities and Timetables

Not all subjects are created equally which means your prep for each subject is going to have some variation. In this step, we dive into the key strategies students can use to create priorities and timetables that ensure they show up to test day 100% prepared.

STEP 3 Creating Rewards

Rewards drive results. Trophies, cash prizes, and dream vacations are rewarded to people that achieve the best result in a given competition. Academia demands results but gives no rewards. By introducing rewards into GCSE prep - we can guarantee results. I’ll show you how to do this the right way.

STEP 4 Establish a Trigger

We all have good habits, and most of us also have some bad habits. When it comes to the GCSEs, your student is going to need to get into the habit of studying. The most effective way to create this habit is with triggers. We’ll show you how it’s done!

STEP 5 Prep to Study

When it comes time to study, students turn to any distraction to avoid the work they need to do. If your student can’t overcome these distractions, it will show in their test results. In this step, you’ll learn exactly how to avoid these distractions and create a winning prep plan.

STEP 6 Understand the Outcome

If you don’t understand your outcome for the GCSEs, there’s now way to plan for it. In this step, you’ll learn how to deconstruct your desired GCSE outcome into step by step action items that will ensure you achieve your goal.

STEP 7 Test Yourself

After getting through the first 6 steps, your student will be in a position to succeed. All that it comes down to now is repetition. We teach the scientifically proven methods to get the right answers out of your student’s brain on test day.

I received my results last night and I'm over the moon.

Considering what they were a month or so ago to now I'm so proud of myself. Also, thank you for being so supportive and believing in me!

P. Desberry

You get so much out of her lessons and come out with a positive mindset.

Michelle ensured I stayed on track. She understands people, sees everyone's potential and makes that shine so you can see it too! I truly think her help, support and encouragement is the reason why I graduated with 1st class honours.

Arooj Aftab

I found Michelle's advice and teaching so useful in helping me.

When you're studying you can feel a little overwhelmed and think that adding something else to study is going to give you less time and maybe add to your confusion. It's doing those extras and taking opportunities that give you the edge.

Lana-Skye Caven

Us vs. The Other Guys

We get it. There are countless options out there to help your student get a passing score in their GCSEs. The most common options that parents go for are tutors and test-specific materials.

❌  Tutors

Let’s talk about tutors. I think tutors are a highly effective resource for helping students succeed academically. Personalised tutoring often unlocks key blockers in students and opens them up to a world of new potential when it comes to their academic performance. 

One issue with tutors is that they’re expensive… but the larger issue that no one talks about is that hiring a tutor should never be your first course of action. If you’re considering a tutor for your student, it’s likely because their academic performance isn’t matching their academic potential. When there’s a mismatch between performance and potential - the issue is almost always that the student doesn’t have an effective learning framework. 

After addressing the root cause of poor performance with effective learning frameworks, then a tutor will be able to provide substantially more value to your student if you’re willing to spend the money. 

❌  Test-Specific Materials

Parents will often turn to test specific materials to help their students score well in their GCSEs. And this decision makes a lot of sense. If a student is taking a test on Maths, getting them test prep materials about Maths should, in theory, help. 

The problem is that there are 11 GCSEs. If you take the test-specific approach, you’re going to need to spend a ton of money and your student is going to need to spend a ton of time. Our approach is to set a foundation for success. This foundation teaches students to master the skill of learning and provides highly efficient study strategies to help them tackle the studying for each test with substantially less effort.

Tutors and test-specific materials can help your child succeed, but their results will be amplified if you start with our 7-Step, Scientifically Proven Learning Framework. And in some cases, this framework alone will be the only thing your student needs to nail their GCSEs.

Our Iron-Clad, 100% Money Back Guarantee

If after going through the course and applying the framework, your student doesn’t get at least a 4 on their GCSE tests… we will refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.

Limited Time Bonuses

When you buy the How to Nail Your GCSEs: The 7-Step, Scientifically-Proven Learning Framework… you’ll get access to the following bonuses.

£100 VALUE

The Limitless Learner Module

This bonus module goes granular on everyday learning challenges like:

  • Preparing for taking exams
  • How to keep focused
  • How to approach homework 
  • How to find your learning style
  • PLUS: How to get work experience from year 7 onwards

£100 VALUE

Neurodiverse Learner’s Guide

This bonus module provides in depth support for children with ADHD, ADD, Dyslexic, EFD, OCD.

  • Symptoms checklist
  • How to manage expectations
  • How to become your child's cheerleader
  • How to get your child motivated
  • Specific strategies for learning

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How To Nail the GCSEs

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Get instant access to…

  • The 7-Step, Scientifically-Proven Learning Framework 
  • 104 hours of video content
  • 20  downloadable tools 
  • 100% money back guarantee
  • Passing grade guarantee
  • Science-backed learning techniques
  • Increased confidence and self esteem 
  • Better test scores and grades
  • Complete access to How to Nail The GCSEs Course (£400 value)
  • BONUS: The Limitless Learner Module (£100 value)
  • BONUS: Neurodiverse Learner’s Guide (£100 value)